Credit Cards that are accepted include Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover. Credit card charges to your credit card will be charged when you place your order. If we are not able to fulfill your order for any reason your credit card will be refunded. Charges to your credit card will occur when you place your order.
All orders placed on Monday-Friday, from 9am to 5pm will be shipped within three (3) business days.
We use the following carriers to deliver our orders: USPS and DHL
If a tracking number is provided by the shipping carrier, we will update your order with the tracking information. Please note that some orders using 1st Class USPS mail will not have tracking numbers.
The rate charged for the shipping of your order is based on the weight of your products, and your location. Before the final checkout page you will be shown what the cost of shipping will be, and you will have a chance to not place your order if you decide not to.
If an item goes on back order we will ship you the part of your order that is in stock. When the item becomes available we will ship you the rest of your order. You will not be charged any additional shipping and handling for the second shipment.
Returns, Refund and Exchange Policy
Our return policy only applies to products purchased directly from our website. You must return the item within 30 days of your purchase.
Our Return Process:
Email us at and briefly explain your issue to our support agents to receive a return label* for your product. Then, follow the instructions below to complete the return process.
1. Print the provided return label.
2. Pack up the item you're returning. Include a signed letter stating the reason for your return and the original receipt received upon initial delivery.
3. Attach return label on the package.
4. Mail your returned item to: NutraV 7350 Futures Drive #9A Orlando FL 32819.
5. Please email to request a refund (buyer does pay for return shipping.)
NutraV can only accept returns or exchanges on supplements that are unopened and merchandise that has not been worn or altered.
Free Items
We do not offer refunds, returns or exchanges on products acquired for free as part of a promotion.
Returns or exchanges of any product due to a manufacturer defect must be within 30 days of your purchase. NutraV is entitled to decide what products are eligible for exchange due to a manufacturer defect. Please email with your proof of purchase, lot number, expiration date (found on the bottom of the bottle) and description of the defect.
*NutraV will only pay for return shipping on defective products or wrong orders. Shipping must be paid by the customer for all other returns.
You can contact us through our contact page! We will be happy to assist you.
Looks like you're in. We will ship to your location.