Here's the BEST WAY to...

Ensure Your Child is Protected When That “Back to School” Bell Rings


Z-Hydrate is Packed with all the Immune Boosting and Rehydrating Power You Need!

It’s Back to School time and thousands of parents and teachers alike are concerned that COVID-19 still poses a very real threat.

It’s Back to School time and thousands of parents and teachers alike are concerned that COVID-19 still poses a very real threat.

On top of that, The Flu Season is fast approaching and we all want to know our children are protected and are as safe as can be during these unpredictable times.

That’s why it is absolutely essential RIGHT NOW to ensure you and your loved ones get all the immune boosting, rehydrating and refueling supplementation you can.

Z-Hydrate is our nano technology Rapid Rehydration Supplement we like to call an “IV on-the-go”. And because you and your children are simply not yourselves when you’re dehydrated, Z-Hydrate should always be close at hand to give you an immediate ‘shot-in-the-arm’ when you need to rehydrate FAST!

It’s ideal for anyone who...

  • Feels fatigued, listless, dehydrated or hungover

  • Exercises and needs pre- or post-workout refueling

  • Appreciates the necessity of boosting immune systems

  • Travels extensively needs to replenish electrolyte levels fast

  • Cherishes the natural health and wellbeing of their loved ones

Z-Hydrate is Your Perfect “Back to School” Choice

Z-Hydrate is a one-of-a-kind supplement formulated with our proprietary blend of ingredients that...

Boosts your immune system

Provides immediate rehydration

Improves energy levels and alertness

Replenishes electrolytes in your body

Z-Hydrate is Your Perfect “Back to School” Choice

Z-Hydrate is a one-of-a-kind supplement formulated with our proprietary blend of ingredients that...

Boosts your immune system

Provides immediate rehydration

Improves energy levels and alertness

Replenishes electrolytes in your body

Z-Hydrate is Carefully and Consciously Crafted

Be sure you’re always best informed about the ingredients of any supplements your children are taking, along with the health benefits they provide. Here’s some scientific reassurance about Z-Hydrate’s proprietary formulation of vitamins and micronutrients

Science Lesson Over... Now “Back to School” is Safe!

Z-Hydrate | Nano Technology Rehydration Powder (10 Pack)


As you do, NutraV takes your family’s natural health and wellbeing very seriously. We understand the fears and uncertainties the guardians of our future generations are experiencing, and we are determined to help in every way we can. We’re committed to providing all-natural products that offer fast and effective protection when you and your loved ones need it most. Here are two complementary NutraV products you can use with confidence to ensure you’re protecting your family as best you can


  • focus


  • energy


  • fatloss


Ready. Set. Go. Each Z-Hydrate sachet is easy to use and tastes great.Rip the top of the sachet, pour these magical rehydration elements into 8oz. of water. Shake or stir, and rehydrate your cells!

Z-Hydrate | Nano Technology Rehydration Powder (10 Pack)

Yours for only

$19.97 + tax and shipping

👉 Claim your limited time free gift to Recharge your Challenge!

While You’re Packing that Back to School Lunch...

Be Sure to Pack a “Back to School” Punch

And while you’re about it, think of those near and dear to you as well. Buy for your friends and loved ones, or share the link to this page with them and introduce them to the super hydrating power of Z-Hydrate. Thank you all very much indeed! And to your good health always,

- The NutraV Team -

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.